


    6月3日 (木) 2004 
快晴、気温25度。 日差しのいい日だ! 午前11時、渋谷にて4歳位の男の子を連れた女性を乗せた。丁度歩道では日傘を差した女性が歩いている。 男の子は日傘を見たそしてお母さんに聞く。「なんであの人、傘差しているの? 雨じゃないよ!」 お母さんは「あれは日傘、傘じゃないの。天気のいいとき使うのよ」 彼は「日傘? じゃぁ雨のときはあの傘差さないの?」 お母さんは「違う違う!雨のときは傘を差すの、日傘じゃないの」 すると彼は「じゃぁなんでみんな日傘差さないの?」 お母さんは答える。「それは・・それはね・・・?」 いい答えが出ない苦しい途方にくれる。 そしてついに「あの人は日傘がとっても好きなの、わかった?いい!」 息子は「ふ〜〜ぅん」うなずく。そして私達は目的地に着く。私はドアを開け「ありがとうございます」彼らは降りる。そのとき息子は叫ぶ。「ママ!日傘持ってる?」 お母さんは少し怒った声で「ないわよ!」 私は思う。男の子は日傘が気に入ってしまったようだ。もし彼が私に質問したら、私は答える。「日傘は帽子の代わりに使うのだよ!」 わかるかな? きっと彼の疑問はまだ晴れていない。今日の売り上げ41,000円。なんと綺麗なお月様だ! 今夜は満月である。

June 3rd (Thu) 2004
The weather was fine and the temperature was 25 degrees ℃. Today was a sunny day! At 11:00AM. I got a woman and a boy who was about four years old in Shibuya. Then a woman with a parasol was walking in the sidewalk. The boy looked at her and asked to his mother.” Why does she put up the umbrella? There is no rain!” His mother said. “That is a parasol. Not an umbrella. It is used for sunny days.” He said.” Parasol!? Is it used during rainy days?” His mother said. “No no! During rainy days you use an umbrella. Not a parasol.” He said again. “Why everybody does not put up the parasol?” His mother answered. “This… This is…. …” She was at a loss for a good answer. Finally she answered. “That she likes the parasol very much. Do you understand, okay?” “Phoon.” He nodded. Next we arrived at their destination. I opened the door and said. “Thank you very much.” They got off then the boy screamed. “Mom! Do you have a parasol?” His mother said in a slightly angry tone. “No!” I thought, the boy was pleased with the parasol. If he asked me, I would have answer. “The parasol is the substitute of a hat.” Maybe, his doubt was not cleared yet. I made 41,000 yen. How beautiful the moon is! The moon was full tonight.






